Seek not to change the world, but choose to change your mind about the world...Seek not to change the world, but choose to change your mind about the world...

Wait Until Tomorrow...

gasper crasto, Goan stories, gaspersworld

A humor story by Gasper Crasto...26.10.2024

I remember my father telling me, “The older we get, the faster TIME flies.”

At that TIME, I thought it was another of his ‘great story’ that he loved telling.

Just the other day I caught myself telling my daughter, “Time is just playing tricks on us! The older you get, the faster TIME flies.”

It appeared to me. I am my father.

Then my little 'mother' remarked without even throwing a glance at me, “Dad, time flies when you’re having fun!"  

Her comment puzzled my mind.

In my confused state my wife appeared from nowhere and said, “Would you do me a favor and go to the ‘jamiya’ and pick up some items? I just don't have enough TIME to do it myself.”

Whenever my wife asked me to do her a ‘favor,’ I believe there should be some kind of a fee for my TIME. After all, my TIME is valuable, at least to me it is.

Before I could tell her this, she interrupted, “And oh, yeah, just get what is there on the list. I need it tonight.”


When I came back and put the items on the kitchen table, she looked over and said, “You only got two items on the list, what about the other stuff?”

And she looked at the bill and burst out, “What did you spend all this money on?”

On what I spent, who knows.

For me, the most terrible TIME is the TIME my wife will ask what I did with the money. I don't know why it is, but I have trouble getting my account to balance when she questions.

You would think being a husband as long as I have been, I would have learnt the art of negotiating with my wife.

Although, I must admit that at this TIME in my life I do not have any regrets. The only thing that I have trouble with is the word ‘tomorrow.’

I am not quite sure what that word means to her. Being an English teacher, she always quotes me Abraham Lincoln for my laziness, ‘You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today.’


From my view, the word ‘tomorrow is like the sign board you see in Goan bars – ‘Pay today, free beer tomorrow.’

That’s my way of putting something off for the next day and probably not even doing it.

I never really thought anything of it until recently. To me the word ‘tomorrow’ was just a casual word that I used to postpone things. It was not until last week that it really came up on centre-stage.

She had asked me to do something for her. I was terribly busy at the TIME, am not sure with what, but I was not paying too much attention.

I just said, “Okay.”

Then, I went back to doing whatever I was doing.

The next day she asked me, “Did you do what I asked you to do yesterday?”

I was not really up to date on what she had asked me to do, nevertheless I said, “No, but I'll do it tomorrow.”

To be fair, I actually forgot what it was. And I was afraid to ask her again for fear of getting her barrage of missiles, things get pretty explosive around in my home at times.


The next day she quizzed me rather sternly, “Did you do what I asked you to do?”

At this point I was marinating in a world that seems to plague every husband and so I said, “No, but I'll do it first thing tomorrow for sure.”

Then I seriously began to wonder what she had asked me to do.

“Today,” she said as sharply as I ever heard her speak, “is the tomorrow you promised to do it.”

I raised my eyes to the ceiling, whispering to myself, “How in the world can today be tomorrow?”

“Yesterday,” she fired back, “you said you would do it tomorrow.”

“Yes, I did say that.”

“Well,” she continued, “today is that tomorrow!”

For the life of me, I could not understand why today was actually tomorrow. I casually said, “I can’t believe it’s already tomorrow...!”

I knew the TIMING wasn't too good. Just to ensure peace in the house, I joked, “Hello, what I want to know is, is today tomorrow, or, is tomorrow today?”

I could imagine missiles flying around in her mind as she yelled. “Okay, think about it tomorrow and tell me!!!”

:::HAPPY WEDDING ANNIVERSARY dearest esparansa:::

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